Freedom Oklahoma Statement on Governor Stitt signing SB 615

"sb 615 is unconstitutional, freedom oklahoma's full statement on the signing of sb 615" pink and blue background, freedom oklahoma logo

May 26, 2022

OKLAHOMA CITY –News broke Wednesday evening that Governor Stitt signed SB 615, legislation that bans trans and Two Spirit people from using bathrooms and changing rooms consistent with their gender on-site at Oklahoma public schools and public charter schools.  In response, Freedom Oklahoma issued the following statement: 

The following is attributable to Nicole McAfee, Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director: 

“This law is unconstitutional, a violation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, and more than anything it is unnecessarily cruel for the sake of cruelty. Over the last day we’ve heard people talk about school safety over and over again. But with a flick of his pen, Governor Stitt said that safety doesn’t extend to already vulnerable transgender and Two Spirit young people. Let us be clear: all students are less safe if this law is allowed to go into effect at schools across the state. 

Trans and Two Spirit kids have always been here. They’ve used bathrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender, at school and everywhere else, without incident. But now our state is engaging in direct harm to move what those in power have decided is an election year priority ahead of June primaries. 

Trans and Two Spirit kids deserve the safety to imagine their future, whether that’s in or beyond Oklahoma. They deserve dignity and respect, at school and everywhere else. We’re all dealing with the compounding grief of back to back tragedies that offer a moment to pause and center human decency, for chances to come together. Instead, Oklahoma gets more harm and more to grieve. SB 615 harms all students, but especially trans and Two Spirit students, will result in huge financial loss in the state, and further ensure that those from out of state choose not to invest and live here, while those born here hurry to move away, if they can make it out alive. 

We’re familiar with tough fights. This is far from the end of the work on this policy, and we’ll continue to do everything we can to protect trans and Two Spirit kids. As the venue shifts away from the state legislature and to the state board of education and school boards across the state, we’ll shift our work to the fights on the ground. To the kids and families and educators and school administrators who find themselves fearful, enraged, hopeless because those in power in this state are wielding that power to harm trans and Two Spirit young people: we see you. We love you. And you’re not alone in this fight.”

We know that stories amplifying attacks on 2SLGBTQ+ people have a measurable negative impact on mental health. To access 2SLGBTQ+ affirming mental health support, please reach out to Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860), the Trevor Project (call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678), and the LGBT Hotline (888-843-4564).


June 2022 Update


Freedom Oklahoma Statement on SB 615 Passage by Oklahoma Legislature