Freedom Oklahoma statement on House passage of HB 3219


February 13, 2024

Nicole McAfee (they/she), Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director,

HB 3219: Two Spirit, Trans, and Intersex Identity Document Ban

Rep Kevin West continues his attacks on 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans with latest bill barring 2STGNCI+ people born in Oklahoma from correcting the gender marker on their birth certificate 

Oklahoma City, OK – Today, the House General Government Committee advanced the second explicitly anti-2SLGBTQ+ bill of the session from committee on a party line vote. In response to the bill, which would bar people born in Oklahoma from correcting their gender marker on their birth certificate, Freedom Oklahoma issued the following statement:

The following is attributable to Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director Nicole McAfee (they/she):

“Governments have always created processes to ensure that its constituents can update documents to accurately reflect who we are. Whether through marriage, divorce, adoption, transition, or any other significant event, it's critical our government accommodates document correction. Rep Kevin West is continuing his attacks on 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans, and this latest effort impacts how we as 2STGNCI+ folks live day to day and interact, not only with the government, but with our broader community,” said Nicole McAfee, Executive Director of Freedom Oklahoma. “All 2SLGBTQ+ people deserve the safety to thrive, and that requires documents that accurately reflect who we are.

HB 3219 by Rep Kevin West passed the House General Government Committee by a vote of 6-2. It is next eligible to head to the House floor.   

Pronouns: Nicole McAfee, they/she

Freedom Oklahoma is the state's only dedicated 2SLGBTQ+ advocacy organization, and works each day to build a future where all 2SLGBTQ+ people have the safety to thrive. You can learn more about Freedom Oklahoma at



Rest in Pride, nex benedict


Freedom Oklahoma statement on house passage of HB 3217